Invisalign Orthodontist in Burien WA

Invisalign - Clearly Different!

The Invisalign® system is the most advanced clear aligner system using the technology that has changed more than 8 million new smiles Worldwide. As an alternative to wires and brackets, Invisalign clear aligners move your teeth, week by week, millimeter by millimeter, to the desired position. Using 3-D technology, each aligner is crafted to fit snugly over your teeth. You can eat and drink what you like during treatment, plus brushing and flossing is hassle free. Your first step is to visit our office to determine if Invisalign® treatment is right for you.

With Invisalign clear aligners, your teeth experience a more constant gentle pressure because you will change your aligners every 1-2 weeks. This leads to more consistent tooth movement and more precise results. Additionally, our orthodontists in the Burien area will design your entire treatment before you get your first set of aligners. This means that each movement is accurately calculated to improve efficient tooth movement for about the same cost as braces.

Clear Aligners Burien

Click here to learn more about Invisalign!

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Free consultation!

If you suffer from any common orthodontic issue such as misalignment, crowding, or spacing between teeth, an orthodontist in Burien can help. We understand that no two patients have the same needs and that's why we create personalized treatment plans based on your individual goals.

A key to remember is that Invisalign® works for teens and adults. Invisalign Teen® is made specifically with teenagers in mind. This convenient form of orthodontic treatment allows patients to receive the benefits of braces without affecting a child's appearance, diet, or lifestyle. In addition, the removability feature makes maintenance and hygiene easier than ever.

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17694 1st Ave South, Suite B
Burien WA 98148